Wednesday, January 28, 2009

legal research / writing surveys

I just clicked through the legal research and writing survey distributed to students from Moritz administration. The survey was thorough and as a result I found myself clicking "not applicable" to questions like: did legal ___ prepare you for journal, employment, ect.

I am slightly frustrated that I do not have a legal writing sample to share with potential employers, so I did suggest integrating some additional legal writing into the first semester where such writing is evaluated and returned prior to grade distribution. Of course, my unnecessary 1L stress probably drives this concern. I should just chill out.

This is what I want to know:
  1. What, if anything, was missing from the survey?
  2. Have noble 2Ls and 3Ls had the opportunity to take similar surveys in years past?
  3. If everyone diligently filled out course evaluations, would the administration need to take this survey?

I hope everyone is able to make it to 12th and high safely tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

FW: a few rules

We are happy to have a few visitors at 12th and high. However, the very first comment (see the last post – first comment) was somewhat unexpected. While we are sorry the first commentator feels that way, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We find it necessary to suggest how this blog might work as we move forward.

We set out some simple rules: “be cordial, but honest, be real, and be original. Call us out if we fail to return the favor”.

Commentators should feel free to post negative comments, but should try to be constructive. Destructive, offensive comments will be removed.

Some, dare I say many, of us are not confident in everything we do and may enjoy a constructive open forum. Will this discussion tarnish the reputation of our law school? If so, we would love to know how and why constructive, honest discussions diminish educational value.

2L - you are probably right.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pre-grade thoughts

I just sent out the following email to about 50 classmates. Feel free to leave a comment of your own:

"Today I am in this Zen world where I still hope I might get one or two good grades. That will all change on Friday.

"I want to loosely track how we change over the next few months as a result of our grades. This is by no means a scientific study, but it might be interesting as we consider our futures.

"If you would like to respond (preferably before Friday, January 30) reply to this email or post your thoughts anonymously at I will post all responses I receive via email under an anonymous name shortly after we receive our grades.

"Three questions for you (my responses follow):
  1. Who will you share your grades with: no one, everyone you can, a few close friends?
  2. If you do not do as well as you think or hope you did, how might your outlook on law school change?
  3. Do you find school competitive, and how might grades alter competition?
"I will tell my parents and a few close friends how poorly I did on my finals. I say I will not disclose my grades to my peers, but give me a few beers and I am sure I will tell anyone who asks. Further, I often wear my emotions on my sleeve; surely I will find a way to subconsciously reflect them.

"Today, I'm stuck in this Zen world where I think I will be able to cope with whatever grades I get, but just a few days from now I might be bitter. While I am happy with my law school decision I will surely re-evaluate a few of the non-legal opportunities I passed up to come to Moritz if I do not meet the modest standards I have set for myself. Hopefully I will not have regrets.

"I thought this environment would be more competitive. As soon as we get our grades, the competitive spirit will increase. Dan will want to know if he did better than Linda. Peter will wonder why and how Carol ruined the curve. Eventually / hopefully we will all realize that we will become good lawyers regardless of our grades (as administrators and profs have eulogized since orientation) and any heightened sense of competition will dissipate."

Friday, January 23, 2009

a few rules

We used to check sports and political websites when we grew tired of the Erie Doctrine. Then we went to BLT, SCOTUS, Sentencing Law & Policy, The Shark, Equal Vote, Free & Fair, and whatever else.

Some might say we are just sucking up to some of the OSU profs. There are a number of good policy reasons for doing just that, but if we wanted to brownnose we would go to office hours as often as possible.

We want to hear what people have to say about their moritz experience and legal education.

We will start with issues addressed to the moritz ’11 class. We will expand to posts aimed at all moritz students and whatever else we feel like talking about. Our ideas will be posted along with posts from guest bloggers: – classmates, recent grads, and non-legal-types.

If you want to post a guest topic or have any suggestions, shoot us an email and we might throw it on the wall. If we do not post it, we promise to read the title of your email.

No names (unless you want to disclose), just raw, honest thoughts. We will attempt to remain anonymous as authors, but after a few beers at bar review you never know what will happen.

Just a few rules to start: be cordial, be honest, be real, and be original.

Call us out if we fail to return the favor.

See you at 12th and high.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Under Construction

just a test post
i don't even know what the font looks like


check back for more soon

first real post before Jan 30